Tabou Da Curve 2023

799000 Ft 989000 Ft * (19,21% kedvezmény)

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    76 liter 799000 Ft Beszállítás alatt
    82 liter 799000 Ft Beszállítás alatt
    88 liter 799000 Ft Beszállítás alatt
    96 liter 799000 Ft Beszállítás alatt
Radical cutbacks, tight turns and outstanding control are more accessible than ever before with...több
Tabou Da Curve 2023

Radical cutbacks, tight turns and outstanding control are more accessible than ever before with the Da Curve. Its unique waveriding performance in perfect down-the-line conditions is well-known by windsurfers around the world, but the Da Curve also unfolds its immense agility in less than ideal waves and onshore winds. Especially the straighter rocker on bigger sizes adds incredible planing characteristics, which allow you to accelerate quickly and boost into huge jumps or catch waves in onshore conditions. The smaller models combine controllability and stellar manoeuvrability, which leads to radical waveriding and a uniquely loose feeling. The Da Curve is the waveriders choice and will fascinate you with its versatility!

Stílus: Wave & Freewave
Térfogat: 76 liter, 82 liter, 88 liter, 96 liter
Szkeg: Slot Box
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A * csillaggal megjelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

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