F-One Rocket AIR 4'10/75L Wing (4x)

134250 Ft 179000 Ft * (25% kedvezmény)

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

The Rocket Air range is a line of inflatable board dedicated to foiling sports: Surf-foil,...több
F-One Rocket AIR 4'10/75L Wing (4x)

The Rocket Air range is a line of inflatable board dedicated to foiling sports: Surf-foil, SUP-foil, Wing-foil, Wind-foil and even Kite-foil.

  • Easy to store and carry
  • Balanced and light for flying
  • Superior and extra stiff Dropstitch material


The line includes boards for all sports and all types of riders. They are developed following the same sizes & outlines as the rigid boards, they offer great stability with the extra volume brought by the inflatable technology. The foil position is also identical to the rigid boards and provide the same perfect balance for take-off and in flight.

The 4’10 can be used for surfing, kiting, wing surfing and are also ideal to have fun doing some wake


Térfogat: 75 liter
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A * csillaggal megjelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

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